Word of Welcome
Dear friends,
I would like to welcome our customers, clients, collaborators, guests, laureates, Excellencies, colleagues, students, everyone, whoever you're!
As Founder of VIR-KUN-EN.COM, I am very proud that our Network has chosen Italy, Sicily with islands, as the venue for its project. This territory is the country with the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is the place where the Roman Law, the right to pursue happiness, the Mediterranean lifestyle, Cesare Beccaria and Archimedes were born.
Roman Law is a passport to understanding the legal systems not only of the Western world but of the entire globe.
Thomas Jefferson took the expression "the right to the pursuit of happiness" from John Locke and the Neapolitan jurist Gaetano Filangieri. Happiness is not a biological quality of man. Happiness is man's essence, choice and goal, it explains the rights and duties, freedom and responsibility. Our happiness is linked to our being human, therefore it has ontological value, it rests on the relationship between divine and human, therefore it's sacred. And it is inviolable, it is priceless. All men as human beings have the right to happiness. But it is not protected by all the constitutions of the world.
The Constitution of the Italian Republic is unique in Europe. Article 3 implicitly recognizes the right to pursue happiness. It's a task of the Republic to remove obstacles of economic and social order, which, by effectively limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person.
Gaetano Filangieri considered:
We cannot be happy without being free. …
We cannot be happy without peaceful coexistence with others …
We cannot coexist peacefully with others without a certain form of government and laws. …
Therefore, to be happy, we should be free and dependent.
On the first page of On Crimes and Punishments Cesare Beccaria speaks of "public happiness". An important expression for value and modernity - the State should be conceived as a community, aimed at achieving happiness. Happiness should be achieved through laws that protect the freedom of the individual and it's the "general will", at the same time.
One of the fathers of the Civil Economy Antonio Genovesi wrote that “a right is always an opportunity for us to be happy”.
He had understood how our future, our wellbeing/happiness depend on our ability to listen to others and understand their needs.
Modern scientists have confirmed, our relationships are the key to a healthy, happy life.
I wanted to be a person that could create a company. To do that there has to be a vision and the desire to create a team and a company culture. All those aspects of my personality were possibly richer due to my staying in Italy. People here tend to be more flexible, less structured and more spontaneous and spontaneity is a very important quality. "It's easy to be happy in Sicily ... just live your time the Sicilian way" (Francine Prose). The Mediterranean Lifestyle (Diet) is Made in Italy. The Mediterranean lifestyle is human and humanistic. There is more balance between a person’s personal life and professional life. They are not so separate. It gives more wellbeing and passion.It encourages physical activity, eating meals with others, and the occasional glass of red wine. It affects everyone positively. It allows you to enjoy what you're doing but also allows others around you to enjoy more of what they are doing. Democritus formulated a particular vision, according to which happiness is relatively independent from external circumstances, but closely connected to our way of reacting to them and to our calm and satisfied state of mind. Ataraxia. Inner Peace. After a long time it is found again in a passage by Leibniz and above all in Leopardi's thought.
Also what my Mediterraneanness has done for me is to avoid becoming too specialized, allowing me to move from one area to another with the same level of enthusiasm and passion. These qualities have recently moved me to a different field: the study of quantum physics. I try to connect the study of matter and energy with justice and laws.
Recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, Mediterranean Lifestyle was first conceptualized in 1975 on the initiative of the American biologist Ancel Keys and chemist Margaret Keys (a husband and wife team) to promote wellbeing/happiness, health, values and goodwill throughout the world. It was founded with the initial collaboration of top scientists and professionals.
And our Network, holding an activity throughout the world, combines business and scientific research, honoring exceptional professionals and scientists who carry out outstanding works in Italy (Sicily).
We agree with Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.” Sicily is the island of happiness. And happiness can only arise in Sicily, where Nature is sovereign. Where the body is welcomed by other bodies and places. Where Time flows without saving, like water from a rich and generous source.
Sicily teaches us the Language of Happiness: a language dedicated to what has made this island famous and appreciated throughout the world.
There is a reason why Sicily is called the Island of Happiness. It is because in this corner of paradise everyone knows that happiness is much more than a feeling, it is a language that through simple lessons can be learned and shared throughout the world. But while most languages are spoken or written, the Language of Happiness is different: it is an energetic frequency that we can tune through our intentions and actions.
Quantum physics confirms this statement.
We are launching our Network to let you know the language of happiness. Gratitude, benevolence and movement: these are the 3 pillars identified by the island to allow everyone to speak the language of Happiness fluently. Inclusion, open-mindedness and a contagious and disarming joy of living have always been at the basis of Sicilian culture, which simply puts into practice what already belongs to its DNA: an innate predisposition to happiness that involves not only sicilians, but also those who visit it for a few days, allowing them to share and to bring home what is called "The Sicily Effect".
VIR-KUN-EN.COM has the responsibility to make everyone understand that Sicily is not the land of the mafia, but of Archimedes. It is a theme that concerns the cultural identity of Sicily. And for me personally, it's a pleasure to be able to participate in this important affair.
What Archimedes did is incredible. He is the only man in the world who, from the dawn of civilization until 1500 AD, was able to understand things that we did not understand until 1929. E.g. let me take his words: "Give me a place where I can stand—and I shall move the world.” Until 1929, no person, including Albert Einstein, understood that everything in the world moves.
Yes, according to a study carried out by various modern universities- moving makes us happier.
Today I appeared before you in white. So in past times, ladies traveled in first class. It was believed that you should wear white when traveling. The suitcases and porter remained behind the scenes, usually. There is only she - a traveler in white - sparkling white clothes, an untarnished reputation, an ideal career without recessions and crises. And even her personal life is not a scandalous sensation. She defeats age, time, the stupidest stereotypes, and male chauvinism. She rises above them as if on a supersonic white liner, without spending much effort on tedious proof of her innocence and dangerous cosmetic surgeries. To be somewhere in your happy world and not lose touch with reality is a rare gift.
Do I have it? Do I have some secrets? Yes, I have. But most importantly, I always wanted to be a professional in the highest sense of the word.
I know Italy; Sicily from the inside, thoroughly, down to the very last wheel and screw. But most importantly, I want to make it work for you.
It is a particular privilege for us to receive you here. I trust that our collaboration will serve to promote Mediterranean lifestyle, history, and values. I consider history as a sacred place where we must get our hands dirty: we have to enter our reality, touch it, grasp its limits and errors, rethink the happiness keeping it together with justice, economy and politics.
For you, I want to become an adored relative who you want to see in person at least once a year during your stay between Mount Etna and the sea. And it’s not about the number of my diplomas and awards. I have not only diplomas, but three children, also. And yet - bliss! Absolute dissolution in life. Absolute happiness. And each of your addresses to me is not just text, but an operatic score of the secret music of your life, which I try to hear and perform. To be useful for you is success and happiness for me.
We take great pleasure in inviting you to find out more about us, our people, our culture, and discover why it is such a happy space. We hope you enjoy learning more about us and how you can become part of our continuing success and happiness.
Dear friends, welcome to Vir-ku-nen.com. I wish you all an enjoyable and stimulating time with us.