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Stakeholder engagement

Who we are and how we work

As a Responsible Business,
we do not operate in isolation. Our strategic decision making is informed by the expectations of our clients, our community and NGO clients, our employees and stakeholders in wider society.

The most important issue for all of our stakeholders, internal and external, is the firm's integrity in how we operate our core business: how we service and manage our client relationships, our processes for managing risk, and the ethical standards to which we hold ourselves as an organisation. These are critical to our reputation and at the heart of our continued licence to operate.

Inclusion, diversity and people development are valued highly by our stakeholders. We continue to prioritise these issues, alongside the physical and mental wellbeing of our teams.

Our people value the contribution they can personally make to supporting their communities. Our readiness and ability to contribute our time, energy, expertise and financial support to pro bono and community outreach projects is also important to our external stakeholders.

Alongside these priorities, our stakeholders expect us to set high standards for managing our environmental impact.

Underlying all of these considerations, from risk management to community engagement, our stakeholders tell us that our Responsible Business strategy in its entirety, should be aligned to our overarching vision and commercial strategy.

We aim to maintain an ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders, as well as gathering more formal feedback at intervals, to ensure we understand what they regard as the key issues facing them over the near and medium-term future.

We welcome all feedback on our Responsible Business activities. Please email us with any comments and queries.

As we try to build a better, more sustainable future, it is the fundamental principles of the law that guide us, as a responsible business: equality and fairness, access to justice, effective regulation and government, and the promotion and protection of human rights.
Our It's Time to walk together Initiative demonstrates our commitment to sustainable growth and how it has endured and been strengthened during a period of uncertainty and change.

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