Quantum Phronesis: Doing, Being Hungry for the Mediterranean Lifestyle

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Our Strategy is our Culture.
As the quality of the tree is recognized by its fruits, so the true nature of a person is recognized by the fruits of his life.

However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally look at the results.
Sir Winston Churchill
Vir.kun-en.com came into this life to live out Happiness and Justice. For us Justice is Symphony, Happiness is Levity of Heart. Happiness and Justice are Ecosystems.

It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and well and justly. And it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living a pleasant life.
Our is a Simple Way made of good-quality things.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
The level of our happiness is not measured by the quantity of things we own.

The things you own ultimately own you.
Tyler Durden
We tidy up and eliminate everything that has no value. Doing this way, we don't care about external beauty. “Don't chase money - let it successfully chase you”- our saying.
Our way is the obtained sophistication..

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Leonardo da Vinci
There are no goals in this way. There is a horizon.

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed
on the far horizon will find the right road.
Dag Hammarskjold
It is formed from our professional experiences, (Sicilian) Mediterranean Lifestyle experiences, self-knowing and self-renewal.

Make your learning abundant and speak of it with precision, then you will speak of essentials.
It’s rooted in our conviction that Mediterranean Lifestyle comes from Sicily. It is based on the principle of overcoming the fear of future, blows, kicks of life, betrayals, deceptions and suffering of the heart. It was started as a way of protection against domestic violence, manipulation/mind control, with the cosciousness that no one is going to come to help you, no one’s coming to save you.
Our main Pillars:
Discretionary/Creative Power
and Honor
Our Culture is linked with a change to Funding Strategy of Research with the primary aim of inculcating a ‘culture change’ in business.
Our business funds our scientific research.
Our research in science is not commercialised.
We agree with Philip Moriarty: "I didn't become a scientist to help companies profit".
Our initiative is to make business more ‘academic-facing’.

Our Eureca: Justice, Restoring Justice.
"Justice is the bread of the people,
they are always hungry for it".
Bertolt Brecht
If your way isn't Discretion, your way isn't Justice.
On the basis of Discretionary Justice and Judge M.Cicconetti Rulings, Vir-kun-en.com recovers and revives a Mencius way of Justice that may preserve and promote the dignity of the individual and Mercy. It's identified by Yi- "the dignity of the self" and "amity and affinity."
Two things are contagious during stressful times: Negative Attitudes and Humor. We chose humor.
Humor pulls stress/sadness into the mud. Vir-kun-en.com takes off there and gets after it.
We don't lose the wings of our heart.

A great man is he who has not lost the heart of a child.
The happiness is the levitation of heart.
The levitation of heart is reflection of the suffering during our journey and knowing that we never quit nor was we guided by anybody on this earth except for Sky.
“You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday.
You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity”.
We introduce Happy Network with the aim of creating a Global Consciousness through Laughter.

In three words I can sum up everything Ive learned about life: it goes on.
Robert Frost
In modern times of war or uncertainty we are ready to answer the call of the Sky, the Earth, the area where we live, people.
We are never satisfied. We are not perfect and we are life-long learners. We always strive to improve, to add capability, and push the standards higher.

Filling with food, warming with clothes, living leisurely without learning, it is little short of animals.
We face the facts througha realistic, brutally honest assessment of ourselves and our team’s performance. It starts with the individual and spreads to each of the teammembers until this becomes the Culture, the new standard.

Be happy, but never satisfied.
Bruce Lee
Our Strategy is rooted in Science, Intelligence and the Sky (our Parallel Reality of Sustainable Happiness and Sustainable Justice (JHS Reality).

Integrity, wisdom, skill, intelligence – such things are forged in adversity.
The Matrix of our JHS Reality is the Delphic Maxim:
and "Start with yourself" of Westminster Abbey.
Change is inevitable. Change is a consistent reality in today's more volatile and disruptive business landscape. It affects all businesses. Now more than ever before. Tomorrow more than ever now.
So its not just about reactively dealing with the changes we face today, but preparing for the change battle we will face tomorrow.
One of the fundamental foundations of our Culture is adaptability. Resilience is the bedrock of our success both on and off the office/courtroom. Culture beats strategy all day long. We keep Culture at the top of the priority list.
Our Creed:
We do not believe in Happy Destiny and Out of Nowhere Justice:
we are the architects of it. To hell with circumstances,
Put aside facts. Reality is
Everything around you is a projection of your mind.
Move your blooming Brain!

Never trust anything that can think for itself,
if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
Victor Frederick Weisskopf
Trudge the Road of Happy Destiny.
Our main Experience:
Qualia Experience
Conscious Experience is a great teacher.

(-) and while I contemplate your peace, the warrior spirit that roars within me sleeps.
Ugo Foscolo

Sicily is not a land of subjugation, rural and urban feudalism, clientelism and under-government. This Island is not associated with the mafia.
Sicily isn't the so-called Sicilianness, an evanescent and indefinable feeling of dolce vita,
"dolce far niente", of an elusive peculiarity, made of melancholies that seem unique and unrepeatable, of fragrances, suggestions, Mediterranean seductions, etc.
For Vir-kun-en.com Sicily represents a free land tied to Italy, which it has loved so much and will love again as long as Italy will love our Sicily in turn. Sicily wants to have a new common goal, a new synteleia, which in our case means freedom and dignity of the Universal Man.
Sicilian way isn't the self-destructive and unsustainable way of forced hospitality to refugees who every day converge from all over the world by the hundreds towards island's beaches, but a way of hospitality to ideas, projects and ecumenical values, which, well nourished, will be of advantage to the nations from whose misery those people are fleeing.
For Vir-kun-en.com Sicily is the Land where Science Meets Spirituality. Expert physicists have long since engaged with quantum-inspired mystical claims.
Our bodies and our universe aren’t solid things at all. They’re patterns of energy. By influencing the frequency of energy in and around your body, you can change your physical reality.
Philip Moriarty
The spiritual life of man is the greatest migration that exists. Land of sacred experience, land of common goals, Sicily is land to which Leukaspis, Archimedes, Ducezio, Macalda di Scaletta, Enrico Pirajno and other warriors and adventurous explorers - scholars and artists- can still give their noble seal.
What Vir-kun-en.com delivers is pure seal.
Our service deliverings are simple, clear, and well-defined:
they come right out of our basic values. Winning pays. Losing has consequences. Nothing substitutes for preparation.
Life isn’t fair and neither is a court. Even the smallest detail matters. We are a team. Our success depends on our Network's performance. And we will not fail.

The only easy day was yesterday. There really are not truly “easy” days. Our lives and careers are full of challenges. We simply have to face those challenges head on, controlling what we can and ignoring what we can’t. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.
Vir-kun-en-com never forgets the Creator of our Earth, like all who have served her, defending everything Liberty, Happiness, Justice represent.
It's so easy to get lost in the controversies that divide us.
But Vir-kun-en.com believes, no matter what our race, religion, or beliefs may be, that we should be able to come together to keep our Planet, our lands for the greater good; to live by the meaning of the words "Love thy neighbor,"
and put as much effort into helping others as we do helping ourselves. By doing those things, we can continue to live up to the idea of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Our Pro Bono Strategy looks at the NextGenerationEU, the Strategy Italy 2025 focuses on contributing towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the spirit of SDG 17 – Network for the Goals – we work in collaborations with some of the NGOs and civil society organisations in order to maximise our impact. We harness the skills and expertise of our Professionals to deliver positive and sustainable contributions in the communities where we do business.
We use our commitment to the UN Global Compact, and associated global frameworks, to help shape our approach. The concepts that are integral to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are embedded in our Mediterranean Business-style Strategy. For instance, we align our operations to contribute towards a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on those areas where we can make the greatest contribution, and we intend to continue to do so through to 2030.

Vir-kun-en.com manages its Energy, not its Hours.
Vital energy is the source of all knowledge.
We apply the conceptions on Vital Energy (pneuma, prana, axé, ch’i (qi) etc, starting from the Ionian school (philosophy), Anaximenes of Miletus and Empedocle.
To experience this Vital Energy, we take Initiatives (references to our Initiatives).
As we work for the greater good, we build happiness for ourselves and others.
The more we do for other people, the more the path of our own happiness will open up.
In realizing this, we discover asense of gratitude in being able to help them.
Daisaku Ikeda