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Research project "Mehr Licht!"

The Heart of the Project

The Approval UNIPA

Date 15.12.2021

The crisis sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, reduced EU and national science research spending shouldn't mean unprotection and science-funding cuts . In a world human rights have to be defended! In a world where other countries, such as China, South Korea, and Japan, are investing heavily in research, Europe cannot afford to lag behind. We can't lose out on. Losing one circle of research compromises our future itself. There is a way. Business and research need to cooperate , not to be at the mercy of national / european funding policy.

The project "Mehr Licht! ---" an effort of the Scuola Legale Diffusa to combine business and research, to support international, comparative, interdisciplinary engaged research in the field of human rights and Integral Ecology with a goal of strengthening human rights / integral ecology protections, the profession overall, to advance government accountability, and improve the quality of legal service delivering.


Work with us, and together we will shape our future

Any person, natural and legal, no matter how large or small, and regardless of their industry, all individuals and companies can contribute to the Project.

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The research project "Mehr Licht! -" continues such our Initiatives as Studio Legale Diffuso, Mindfulness Approach,  Golden hours, It's fun to walk together, Series on MindfulnessPontem , Elegantia iuris , Pontem 0921 .

The research project "Mehr Licht! ---" is devoted to the evolution of the human rights / integral ecology protection model. Applying Design thinking, Critical and Complex thinking , being a pioneer, this project treats to describe and explain how human rights / integral ecology can be protected in future, and what to do for it. The research roots in the Enlightenment (1789 - 1914) , another crisis time, that led to a cultural revolution with a legacy of values that still live today.

We are launching this Project to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect Integral Ecology. At the heart of the Initiative are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which clearly define the world we want - applying to all nations and leaving no one behind.

The research project "Mehr Licht! ---" arises out of years of collaborative and engaged research by Prof. Olga Nickole Kuyan who works and teaches on topics related to justice, judicial discretion and human rights.
She is the human rights defender beginning from 1990. 
This project builds on this work, while responding to trends and opportunities that have emerged in the field in recent years.

The duration of the research is for three or four years, to start in December 2021.

Companies that are most resistant to any crisis are those that combine business and research or those that encompass innovation / development along with their businesses.
This means rather than just doing business, we encourage others to conduct research, to make presentations and publications being exposed to society at large via an international outlook or company engagement in research.


Pontem 0921 is the part of the school's Research & Best Delivery Hub based in Cefalu, and plays an important role in the school's innovation program focused on fostering ideas through the Pontem .

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