Our Tech

“Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid, human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and intelligent.”
Albert Einstein
Technology allows us to share integrated and innovative skills.
Technology allows us to deliver Consulting as InPerson so Online.
Technology allows us to cater for, amongst other things, online arbitration filings, remote hearing.
​Foreover, Vir-kun-en.com becomes an example of how the computational power of Artificial Intelligence can be channeled into experiences that combine innovation and classicism.
Artificial Intelligence can help us improve the world. However, it must not be an algorithm that drives these changes, but rather creativity and the human desire for knowledge.
Innovation and new technologies can fuel and support our desire for knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence can enhance our creativity, to the point of allowing us to create new dialogues with the past. V-kun's Just Hap simulates a conversation with the avatars of ancient philosophers.
Created specifically for us by combining Generative Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality, the avatars are trained to provide answers in line with the thinking of the philosophers.
Artificial Intelligence and cutting-edge technologies have reached such a level of maturity and modularity that they can allow us to re-imagine the way we relate to the past and the way we design our future.
This is a radical change, it must enhance our humanity and it must be guided by a sense of responsibility necessary to ensure that the great opportunities for growth and well-being offered by digital become our heritage.
Technology today is all-pervasive, impacting every area of business in every industry sector, globally.
At Vir-kun-en.com we recognise that rapid advances in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, blockchain, big data and cyber security are significantly impacting our clients' business models, their growth strategies and even day-to-day decision making, bringing opportunities to be harnessed and risks to be navigated.