Through Lingerie
The pathway to salvation is as narrow
and as difficult to walk like a razor's edge.
Tibetan Monk
Otium et Negotium,
Discere et Docere,
Sapiens et Filosofus - Seneca
Sapiens Philosophus Seneca:
Non tantum corpori sed etiam moribus salubrem locum eligere debemus
We are for Good Government.
To be effective, V-kun's Governance System is designed to facilitate, not to complicate, the solution of important challenges: Don't being Precise in carrying out our Strategy but being Simple and Clear.
"Brevity is the soul of lingerie."
Dorothy Parker
You are only one inch... one step... one idea... away from turning onto the boulevard of Happiness and Justice in your life.
Just as a pearl needs something foreign to form in a shell, also we apply the "wrong", underwear approach in our decision-making, walking on a razor's edge, between justice and injustice, happiness and unhappiness, in short between exterior and interior.
"Real elegance is everywhere, especially in the things that don't show.”
Christian Dior
In a sense, Approach Through Lingerie is the path of elegance, beauty or cultural archeology or history or even anthropology.
Discretion/Creativity, the ability to create something that has never been before, using the power of thought, is what distinguishes us. Creative discretion entails problem-solving, imagination, and understanding and engaging with other people’s perspectives.
Recognizing this approach to discretion supports the innovative dimension of our practice.
The topics of Creative Discretion and Consciousness have a common sub-structure.
Our Approach is Conscious. Conscious business choosees to follow a multiple stakeholder approach.
"The intelligence which is enough, which is normal to be able to understand, the intellegence as the embodiment of the average man, «quod omnes intellegunt», does not count for the judge: moral superiority, enough to ensure that the judge is able to forgive the advocate for being more intelligent than him, counts above all."
Piero Calamandrei
We apply Lighten Approach.
"I would describe my style as refreshing" - DeAndre Hopkins
Living lightly (with Levitating Heart) is not an escape but, on the contrary, a way of paying attention and being present to reality which does not stop only at appearances, at the most material and easy to identify aspects, but also captures the most intimate nuances.
Lightness, "a way of being attentive to things", thus becomes receptivity, sensitivity, wisdom, delicacy, which coexist with our daily reality but manifest themselves only when they are sought after.
It is an invitation to look at yourself with more loving and more humorous eyes, the only antidote to the terrible seriousness with which we often face life.
Living lightly is feeling the sweetness of melancholy and looking at it with love.
"Although people say the opposite, today we love things built in series.
Men made in series. The gestures promoted in series. (…) There is a leveling that is scary.
Originality raises suspicion. Creativity causes skepticism. Strokes of genius are intimidating."
Antonio Bello​​​​​
We disagree with that modern approach:
To strength the wall that separates lawyering/consulting services from client in the hope that doing so will protect professionals.
Since many Italian companies are still family owned, we've opened new aproach, which may pull off the save of the century: access to justice and happiness.​
Our Approach is Otium e Negotium, Discere e Docere, Sapiens et Filosofus - Mediterranean Approach, Mediterranean business-style is rather slow-paced.
Sense of urgency is not regarded positively in Italy, and verbal commitment is very important.
Generally speaking, Italians prefer to establish direct relationship before talking about business. This is needed to establish a climate of trust and respect, and it is as important as the following exchange of information about the deal.
When the agreement has been reached, is very unlikely that your Italian partner will change his mind.
Business meetings are sometimes not only decision-oriented, but an analysis-oriented way to get a common sharing and understanding.
Hence the aim of first contact and meeting is mainly to establish a positive climate between all properties involved.
Sometimes several trips and meetings are necessary to close the deal: any meeting is considered by Italians as an important step to build trust and relationship, and even if people coming from fast-paced cultures feel it like a waste of time, this is not the case.
Italian tend to expect long-term commitments to their business partners, aiming to win-win solutions. That’s why business proposals should present the benefits to all parties involved: attempts to gain a competitive advantage are considered negatively. Moreover, Italian’s casual attitude does not see favourably the introduction of strict rules to be followed.
If a dispute or conflict arises, a good personal relationship helps in overcoming most problems. That’s why it is very important to get the support of an experienced Italian advisor.

Since judicial times in order to enforce a contract or resolving a dispute can be long and frustrating, in Italy is often a good idea trying to settle litigations in other ways.
Arbitration is an ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system where the parties present their positions to a third party arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators. The latter determine the solution of the case. Less expensive, more accessible and faster than a procedure in Court, arbitration has some disadvantages; for instance, the parties cannot participate directly in the process. The arbitration has the same value of an ordinary judicial judgement, assuming that the parties formally register this private decision with the Italian Court of Appeal.
Mediation is another ADR method where an independent third party, called mediator, gets involved in order to help parties in reaching a satisfactory agreement. The mediator assists the parties in communicating their interests and priorities to each other. As opposed to Arbitration, mediation is a voluntary and non-binding process: A mediator is an impartial person who uses specialised communication techniques to reach the goal of settling the dispute.
Conciliation is a dispute resolution method involving a judgement court. The judge encourage parties in settling the conflict with the help of a Conciliator, an impartial professional that, like the Mediator, assists the parties in reaching a satisfactory agreement.
Our Approach is multiprofessional, multidisciplinary, innovative with special reference to quantum science.
"Science holding strong, sir!
Murder drones
Science and business are often treated as two separate disciplines, which leads to problems. Scientists may lack the business sense to convert their research into something productive, whilst business professionals may lack the scientific knowledge needed to make evidence-based decisions.
Vir-ku-nen.com’s Scientific Research&Development Hub aims to bridge this divide.
O day, arise! The atoms are dancing.
Thanks to Him the universe is dancing.
The souls are dancing, overcome with ecstasy.
I'll whisper in your ear where their dance is taking them.
All the atoms in the air and in the desert know well, they seem insane.
Every single atom, happy or miserable,
Becomes enamored of the sun, of which nothing can be said.

We refer to Quantum Thinking.
We develop and validate a new concept of law, one that recognizes the subjective nature of reality in a form that is consistent with both modern science and non-Western knowledge systems. Traditional business strategies and thinking approaches (while effective in specific contexts) may fall short in navigating the complexities and uncertainties of the modern world.
This is what interests us.
"Once we have a fundamental theory of consciousness to accompany a fundamental theory in physics, we may truly have a theory of everything."
Nicholas Rescher
Over the course of thirty years, we have been looking into this uncertain, proximal, near-invisible reality, working in highly diverse, nondisciplinary/multidisplinary teams to invent new concepts to render up complex reality to science; searching for order in the complexity of evolving worlds.
We master "chronos" and "kairos" for our business, a combination of routine (chronos) and moments of opportunity (kairos).
Mastering the balance between following a steady plan and seizing opportunities is crucial for great effect.We difine our work as Energy which influences our Habitués/Clients/Guests.
We apply the Gratitude Approach which leads to Sustainability.
Our approach goes through example and dialogue.

Our Approach is The Golden Triangle Framework: the People, Process, Technology Framework.
We work together across borders, languages and legal systems, sharing insights and expertise to achieve our clients' goals.
Our Approach is collaborative and adaptable.
Theory of Interdependence embeds what we believe are the strengths of this approach: Diffuso Model;
the Mediterranean Lifestyle, Pro Bono.
We apply Henosis Approach to keep up with our presence across multiple platforms.
We are pioneers, working on many groundbreaking experiences.
Experience is the key to a life of happiness and success. Science explains us, to be happy we must focus on experiences.
We apply Qualia Principles.
We invite you to ignite your inner magnetism and attract the happy, vibrant life with new experiences we offer. We confirm the experience-happiness combination. Without our subjective participation, space, time, matter, and energy do not exist – or if they do, their reality is impenetrable. We live in a qualia universe. All our interactions with it are experiential, hence subjective. (Objective data have no independent existence, since they must be part of the data-collector’s experience.)
I should study Nature’s laws in all their crossings and unions; I should follow magnetic streams to their source and follow the shores of our magnetic oceans. I should go among the rays of the aurora, and follow them to their beginnings, and study their dealings and communications with other powers and expressions of matter.
John Muir
Our Mindful Business Approach is a state of mind that encourages us to focus our attention on the here and now. One of the key benefits of mindfulness in business is its ability to sharpen decision-making skills.
We apply the Cartesian doubt, a practical tool for rethinking many aspects of business and life. This approach encourages a healthy skepticism that fosters clarity and resilience.
By embracing doubt and systematically questioning our beliefs, we can reconstruct a foundation of certainty that propels us forward with confidence and clarity.
By returning to first principles, such as the fundamental needs of our clients, we can continuously adapt and innovate.
We apply Anti-reductionist Approach.​
Nothing is pleasant that is not spiced with variety.
Francis Bacon
We make the effort to vary our Business Approaches.
We apply Take-Home Retreat Approach: the Thinkers/Wisdom Approach “Take-Home Retreat” where we Connect the Old&The New Creates Interest. We connect the old and the new, this creates interest.
We also apply memorable maxims. A maxim is simply an earthy statement that points out an obvious truth.
In our Just Hap Meditations we share our vivid story where the encounters with Teachers/Wisdom free us to flourish in life.
Our IA Avatars of Philosophers are constantly scattering pithy sayings, offer challenges, rebuke wrong thinking, offered commentary on science, tell riddles, argue, and at times remaine totally silent which really made people squirm.
The Take-Home Retreat is designed to strengthen our common relationship to Sophia and Phronesis.
Our Approach is dedicated to the relationship between the Universe, Earth, and Human Beings. Our Habitues/Guests/Clients affect our Value creation.
"If you're successful and growing, you can manage any way you want to.
Growth makes so many dimensions of management easier. It's when growth stops that things get tough.
Clayton M. Christensen
We Grow Together! We Grow the World Together!