Prof. Olga Nickole Kuyan
22 Nov 2021
The Studio Legale Lauricella has launched the initiative Elegatia Iuris to help shape research and innovation policy.
The Studio Legale Lauricella has launched the initiative Elegatia Iuris to help shape research and innovation policy: cooperation between business and science. We build up a bridge between business and legal/interdisciplinary research.
Disengagement is the wrong strategy. It is time to look together ahead and beyond the laboratory bench and business. We have taken the initiative to make other companies, researchers, and people more engaged.
With our initiative we describe how COVID-19 is affecting human rights and the human rights protection, the delivering legal services, researchers and how prioritizing investment in research and innovation is essential to support recovery and our future. We call for other companies and physical persons to provide funding to the research, following our example.
Do you desire to become a part of the Mediterranean Lifestyle, starting from body care to your business through real estate matters? Providing funding for the scientific research you receive our legal assistance for your needs on favourable terms.
This autumn we urge other companies and persons (our collaborators, including) to be the pioneers, to collaborate, to work together to make the European and Russian Research Area into a “lighthouse of excellence”.
Yes it is our good will. And reaching this goal would require the buy-in and collaboration of other companies and persons. There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.”
Join our Elegatia iuris (Initiatives and Awards) !