Frost and Fire.
The AD HOC Happiness method
"It immediately makes you think of Happiness as "task at hand", as in fact happiness is the purpose, but it is the acronym of AD HOC
(Attention Deconcentration, Higher-Order-Consciousness), indicating a learning method capable of active consciousness, liberation, evaluation, research, creation of new ideas in response to complex problems.
Happiness is a choice & Happiness is a habit".
Our Know-How method which leads to happiness
Frost and fire are two opposing elements that have always attracted people's attention. Their combination symbolizes strong contrast and contradiction.
In literature and art, many writers, poets, artists and musicians have used the metaphor of frost and fire to express their thoughts and feelings: from Alexander Pushkin to Ray Bradbury and George R.R. Martin, from Salvador Dali to William Turner.

Things are balanced. Our minds, to even things, to balance the unfairness of our living, go back in on ourselves, to find what there is that is good to see.
Ray Bradbury
Our method collects and reproduces all the benefits of:

Kneipp hydrotherapy,
which has always studied the positive effects of hot and cold stimuli

Roman baths,
which were designed along the axis:
the caldarium or hot bath;
a smaller area for the tepidarium or warm bath; the frigidarium or cold bath at the center;
and the natatio, an open-air bathing pool

Scandinavian and Russian cultures,
where even today
the famous
Finnish sauna and Russian sauna
are followed by
Bathing in ice water is nothing new.
Both in the West and in the East, various cultures have placed the cold at the center of their medical practices. Marcus Aurelius spoke about it in "Conversations with himself". Hippocrates, in the 4th century BC, used the cold for health, adding that "water can cure anything" (N.B.: water, not air).
The Orientals were not far behind: people like Milarepa who, in the mountains of Tibet, created a complex method of breathing to survive for those who live inside a cave on high peaks

Today, fortunately, the cold, in its most extreme form, has been cleared by Wim Hof and Andrea Bianchi who, thanks to their stubbornness, going from a freak phenomenon to a paranormal phenomenon, have managed to push many people to try this type of health practice.
This is nothing new to Vivien Solari, e.g.
There is plenty of evidence and research that cryotherapy offers health benefits. But whole body cryotherapy is still being researched. A healthcare professional can help figure out what’s right for you.
The AD HOC Happiness is a method to warm up with inner fire, rediscovering the pleasure of nature and knowing yourself, leading to a mystical experience (Enlightenment/Omega Point/Universal Consciousness),
to bring about alignment and integration between person's multiple brains (head, heart and gut),
for inner balance, integrity, peace and happiness.
Although this is a method that talks about hardening,
you will discover that its main theme is actually inner fire, that inner heat that is our inner-most being, the source of the Happiness, True – happiness without a cause.


The inner-heart is the doorway into our true nature – our true qualities – which are actually harmony, happiness, stillness, trust and love.
"The inner-most is the esoteric or ‘inner-heart’ and it is this that is developed so that the physical human being knows he and she are more than just their bodies, but that the reality of one’s body is vital in the way it is used to bring forth the Divine expressions of the inner-heart in all that we do, say and think and thus to all we interact with."
Serge Benhayon
It's possible to exercise
and focus this thought to feel better, learning to deconcentrate attention, to breathe, to improve focus, to implement some principles summarized
in the AD HOC Happiness method.
It immediately makes you think of Happiness as "task at hand", as in fact happiness is the purpose, but it is the acronym of AD HOC
(Attention Deconcentration, Higher-Order-Consciousness),
indicating a learning method capable of active consciousness, liberation, evaluation, research, creation of new ideas in response to complex problems.
Happiness is a choice & Happiness is a habit.
AD HOC Happiness is an essentially practical innovative method, capable of combining the strength of brains with qualia, consciousness, knowledge, and the application of appropriate techniques.

The QIP theory, formulated by Federico Faggin explains that our personal experiences - sensations, feelings, called Qualia - are of quantum origin, but exist in a much deeper reality.
The theory states that consciousness and free will are fundamental properties of One that is All.
Consciousness and free will exist in a deeper reality, from which quantum information emerges, also.
This theory completely transforms what we know about reality.
To demonstrate this theory, a new discipline must be created, to which the two scientists Federico Faggin and Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano have given the name Nousym
(two words formed from nous and symbol, the inside and the outside).
The method consists of seven parts, which are inspired by seven cardinal points:
awakening with cold morning shower (gradual), facial skin icing, ice massage application on acupressure points, eg Feng Fu Point
outdoor activity
“warming up” of the brains with “AD” and silence/meditation
sauna/bathing with hot water (gradual) etc;
bathing with cold water/ice (gradual)
swimming in warm water for balance
The method also includes walking barefoot on stones (normal, cold, hot), but above all
the ability to expand the consciousness.
The method is accessible to everyone, simple daily practices are enough to obtain five fundamental benefits:
• Making of the frost and fire our ally for a life lived consciously
• Starting the day with energy and vitality, and maintaining them throughout the day
• Learning to practice the method every day all year round
• Strengthen our body and our inner heart to say goodbye to tiredness, bad moods, addictions and illnesses
• Activate our innermost being.
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Rediscover Frost and Fire AD HOC Happiness method as an act of love towards nature and ourselves
Cultivating inner fire can also be the act of reawakening our innate attraction to Life and letting ourselves be guided by it to rediscover individual and Earth well-being.
The search for contact with the elements and forces of nature, first of all with stones, water, cold/heat, can be the privileged way to undertake this journey back to ourselves and our inner-hearts.
The path to happiness, after all, lies right here:
regaining that contact with the natural environment, going out for a walk and finding yourself with bare feet on the Earth, immersed in water, open to the exchange with the forces of Nature.
Today our existence is increasingly in search of certainties, of habits, of a tendency to close ourselves in "comfort zones" that apparently make us calmer. Getting out of these certainties and putting yourself to the test allow you to get to know yourself better and train your capacity for resilience, active consciousness and self-confidence.
Steel submits willingly.
Hammer flattens it.
They throw it in the freezing cold
From the blazing forge.
And in this torture,
In this repeated torture
The differentially hardened double edged sword is born...!!!
"Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from the eternal"
Dante Alighieri