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It's Like We Forgot Who We Are. Lawyers in The Know.
Lawyers among Fog.
Lawyers with Passion and Courage. Not Caretakers.

25 May 2022

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


Dr.PhD O.N.Kuyan


New Article

We’re here to remind us who we are. Today one of the few subjects on which we all seem to agree is the need for justice and peace. But why our agreement for justice and peace leads to war and injustice? Maybe, our agreement is only seeming. Now we ask ourselves: maybe that war that we are experiencing now is because we have not listened to, we have not tasted, isn’t it? We refer to quantum physics to answer the question. The quantum physics has been arrived by thinking and experimenting to revolutioning knowledges, which determine our world, also if only few have understood these theories in their real sense. We follow the question, whether and how far a consciousness trained by quantum physics can reach more directly to the understanding of questions of life and peaceful questions than a thinking, which is obliged to classical legal education. It deals especially with fundamental existential questions: the theme of personal responsibility, the value of the individual existence, the evaluation of the personal I-you relation. The connections of natural sciences and peace, ecology, and sociological change have always driven us. How can we speech about that, which science cannot comprehend? What means self, identity, responsibility, peace for the lawyer and the quantum physicist? We offer you an exciting meeting. The paper is written with special attitude to Lautsi case, to the 2022 French presidential election.

Keywords: peace, justice, liberty, state, church, war, crisis, listen to, taste, perception,comprehension, knowing, aion, kairos, kronos, Russophobia, creative justice, judicialdiscretion, QFT, biocentrism, nothingness, emptiness

Justice is Ready for Consciousness. Lawyers with Vertical Lives. Are We Really Ready?- Personal Physical Mental and Spiritual Coherent Experience

03 December 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


Modern specialists discuss and promote the interconnection and innovation in the digitalization of justice. The digitalization of justice has been an ongoing process for many years. Digital technologies will continue to advance with great speed and acceleration, as we have already seen. "Robot Justice", "smart, online court systems", "under the 14th fiveyear plan, Chinese courts will upgrade to the fourth generation of smart court by 2025"- “recent technological advances in artificial intelligence (AI)”, “internet of things (IOT)”, “big data, block chain, data analytics” etc - how many times we've heard these words last years. Emerging technologies are reshaping the face of justice and legal work. At the same time, we have to understand what’s the right thing to do?. "..I don’t know whether we’re ready yet to really see things the way they are.


Dr.PhD O.N.Kuyan


For instance, it would be a disaster if we had to get vaccinated every year,”- Federico Faggin says. Could we see the way of justice? In this paper we speak and promote for the discussion: justice as interconnection and innovation, seeing justice as consciousness and consciousness as quantum field. Drawing on personal academic experience and legal practice we conclude that not only digital technologies, not only microelectronics, but the use of quantum mechanics to know ourselves and come into contact with our deepest self, a personal physical mental and spiritual coherent experience: what is at the bottom of justice-reality. If you are intrigued on the mathematical theory based on consciousness being primary aspect of nature, we are for you here.


Keywords: Faggin, robot justice, digital technologies, lawyer/judge, consciousness, justice, Diaphany consciousness, quantum field, science of qualia, science of consciousness, dharma, legal consciousness quantum physics


New Article


Prof. O.N. Kuyan

Mindfulness, Quantum Physics and "well-being is a two-way street"

29 November 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


The Law Gazzette article “Well-being is a two-way street, judge tells ‘wildly optimistic’” touches, inter alia, two important issues: well-being and golden rule. While quasi all people have heard about the well-being and the golden rule, only some people have met it in their lifes. The well-being and the golden rule are the desirable things for lawyers/judges, for everybody. But do you often see case parties or clients who take care of judge/lawyer’s well-being? It’s another side of the golden rule. Et sic, judges/lawyers have to take care of their well-being. And how to remain thankful, polite and kind judge/lawyer? Lawyers operate and work within the context of complex human situations – predominantly situations of conflict and stress – and attempt to apply a body of external laws, rules and practices to resolve those situations and conflicts. This is within a framework of time, financial, epidemic and other external pressures. What could we advise to judges/lawyers? How could we apply the golden rule here? We put forward the idea on the evolution towards Judges/Lawyers Wellbeing and Justice through Mindfulness.


Keywords: well-being, golden rule, judge, lawyer, the mind–body problem, spirituality, evolution, mindfulness-based interventions, attention, intention, non judgmental way, Mediterranean lifestyle, quantum physics

After COP26 Towards High Values.
We don’t Need To Change The World. Lawyers Step In.
10 Years after Lautsi v. Italy

27 November 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


The message from the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity is recent, loud and clear: we must fix our relationship with the natural world or destroy human prosperity, well-being and our future.The COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, was taking place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK. Lawyers step in. There's lots of dimensions to start this sort of discussion, and lawyers are as good as any: everything in the universe has both particle and wave nature, at the same time. All is waves, everything in the universe has wave nature. Of course, everything in the universe also has particle nature. Lawyers call for the progress of implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).


New Publication


Dr.Phd.PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan

Lawyers call for the collaboration to evidence a growing momentum around climate action, to win in resolving the rules around carbon markets etc and to assuage vulnerable countries’ concerns about long-promised climate financing from rich nations etc, in total to change the reality. Lawyers call on to attend to our own personal development, to raise our level of consciousness. Lawyers forward the Golden Hours Idea, discussing the consequences of Lautsi v. Italy case and its importance for the current world situation.


Keywords: Economics of Biodiversity, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, COP26, crisis, judge, lawyer, politician, mystic, Know thyself, change, development, complexity, Thinking Hat, golden hour, meditation, physical training, Lautsi case, Christianity, Mediterranean Lifestyle, mimetic theory, Integral ecology

macchina da scrivere



To Take Law Seriously. Via quantum physics, mechanics. We Vote for Mindful Lawyers/Judges, becoming Political Actors.
For Development, Unity of Diversity, Inclusion, Sustainability.

27 November 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


This year we celebrate Lautsi case, pronounced 10 years ago. Today we go forward. We 
are living in che changing times. All and everything are developing, thought, conscience, 
awareness, including. We proceed from a deep unifying effect between the peoples from 
various countries, the Crucifix case has produced. The Lautsi case bears witness that 
people unity needs high values and the Christianity remains at the heart. We call for 
sharing the goal of demystifying the discipline of law. We share the opinion that freedom of
thought, conscience and religion should be understood in terms of individual human rights,
not minority rights and we are sure, this freedom should include as spirituality so 
mindfulness. A vision that leads us to explore, in an amazing perspective, fundamental 
questions still unresolved, from the setting up of law to that of politicians/judges/lawyers 
themselves. This paper shows how creative models based on the laws and precedents 
can fully implement the law of cause and effect in manner of quantum theory.


Keywords: Lautsi case, change, justice, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, ECtHR; spirituality, mindfulness, politics, judiciary, lawyering, quantum physics, mechanics

Finding Ways to Be Lawyers in Today's World, Calling to Have the Courage to Make Changes. Mindfulness Matters: Thought, Attention, Awakening

22 November 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


Legal style of life is to remain in constant flux. Legal professionals are finding ways to be lawyers in today's world. The leading legal experts examine the results of COP26, discussing the advancements and setbacks in COP26 from the perspective of their disciplines, research agendas, and regions. Lawyers will be ''more in demand than ever'', says Sir Geoffrey Vos, November 4, 2021. The central premise of the paper is that the twenty-first century presents new challenges to the judiciary/lawyers: human cloning, computer data mining, computer-generated judicial profiles, smart, online courts systems etc on one side, and the era of globalization, digitalisation of society, terror, ecology catastrophe, human rights protection crisis, poverty, new diseases (Covid-19 etc) on another side, are obvious examples.


New Article

Olga Nickole Kuyan 

Scholars`pragmatism, with its emphasis on "what works," might fill the legal void when new challenges arise. But precisely what are the general solutions available to the lawmaker, lawyers and the judiciary? Could we offer the receipt, suitable for any nation, any state? We forward these questions for discussion, attracting the readers's attention to the role of Mindfulness, Discretion, Creativity, Thought, Attention, Awakening in a legal job. Calling to have the courage to make changes, the paper is seeking the answers in quantum physics/mechanics.


Keywords: judge, lawyer, crisis, energy, wave, quantum theory, granularity, probability, observations, complexity, thought, attention, awakening

Social Values in Europe.  Protecting Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion, Creating What ?: Justice, Sophia, Phronesis 

14 July 2021

Dr. PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


The multidimentional human rights catastrophe 2020-2021 is input for this writing. We see it as the culmination of arguments about regulating the social values, the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion in Europe (art 9 ECHR) in its broader sense. We question: what are thought, conscience, religion in Europe? The paper aims at revealing how different states bound by ECHR (Italy, France, Russia) are redefining their relationship to thought, conscience and religion, under the challenge of changing minds, increasing religious activism in the public sphere, associated with the spread of new religious movements and Islam; how this process mobilizes a complex array of often unrelated official actors, but also mindful men who want to be recognized by public opinion eager to curb what is perceived as "foreign" or "extremist" expressions of thought, conscience, religion; by politicians navigating between political correctness and populism, by national and external judiciary like ECtHR; how this process is gradually producing a new and common paradigm of the relationship between states, the public sphere and thought, conscience and religion. We scrutinize (re) construction and formatting of thought, conscience and religion in the West through courts, giving the rebirthing to the Lautsi case. We intend to find which doctrine \ idea has been developed by the Court in Europe. What will be with judicial decision-making in France and Europe? How to overcome the crisis? We are seeking a new instrument. We go into Mindful Politics / Judiciary, Dharma and Judiciary / Politics. We use the Complex Thinking concept and Quantum Theory, Sophism, Theology, Eastern and Ancient thoughts as Puzzles.

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Prof. Olga Nickole Kuyan

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We refer to Lady Justice-Prudentia-Sophia and Phronesis. We refer to the decoloniality to re-learn the thoughts-heritage that have been pushed aside, buried, discredited by the forces of modernity: UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, Vl Solovjev, Ivan Ilyin. Also we use new data, such as O'Murchu Diarmuid, Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way (2021), Rovelli Carlo, Helgoland (2020), Molari Carlo, The spiritual journey of the Christian (2020), Mancuso Vito, I quattro maestri ( 2020). Our core topic is the importance of legal ideas and legal doctrine for court decisions. Our core thought is the Russia's experience in balancing secular and religious values and peaceful coexistence of peoples, it's importantance for the international community. It's part of the big research, started in 1990, continued in different ways, at UNIPV (with Prof. J. Ziller) in the framework of CICOPS, in particular.


Key terms : human rights and freedom, thought, conscience, religion, pluralism, equality, secularism, neutrality, positivism, legal symbols, Lady Justice, Sophia, Prudentia, Phronesis, quantum theory, Islam, rule of law, legitimacy, historical-interpretive account of judicial politics, complexity.


18 Fabruary 2021

Dr., PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


Justice is as important as health, education. Justice is alpha value in the spheres of law and politics. Civil justice remains in constant flux. The design of a sustainable civil justice system for the 21st century is continuously discussed at national, EU, and international level. This article makes the part of the research, started in 1990 with the study of Judicial Discretion in Civil Procedure, continued in different ways, with the scrutiny of the Compensation for nonmaterial damages in Italy and Russia at UNIPV with Prof. Carlo Granelli, in particular . It begins from the hypothesis that the civil justice may be achieved not only through law \ judicial reforms but also through the mindfulness, may be researched not only through law and politics but also through sciences. We use the Complex Thinking concept; Art and Quantum Theory as Puzzles. We scrutinize into the conventional existence of civil justice which can be achieved in various forms of political settings — democratic as well as non-democratic - in every trial, under the rule of law.


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 Prof. Olga Nickole  Kuyan

The main question of this article is: what does conventional existence of Civil Justice depend upon? We put forward the idea about the evolution towards Wellbeing, Justice through Mindfulness, using the term Evolution in JJ Hurtak's sense: spiritual evolution. This article refers to the decoloniality to re-learn the thoughts-heritage that have been pushed aside, buried, discredited by the forces of modernity. So, we refer to the ideas of Ivan Ilyin, named Putin's Philosopher of Russian Fascism by T. Snyder. The article will not only shed light on the nature of the political order in Russia but will also give a useful contribution to the scholarly discussion on the mindfulness, within the Civil Justice that is explicitly new view.


Key words: I. Ilyin, Conventional existence of Civil Justice, Political Regime, Russian Constitution, Discretion, Science, Holographic Universe Theory, Interaction, Consciousness, Legal Consciousness, Mindfulness .

Discretionary Justice. Mindfulness. Quantum Theory

01 January 2021

Dr., PhD, PhD Olga Nickole Kuyan


As a result of a very little body of academic research on the influence of judicial discretion on civil justice, there is the question if judicial discretion should be an important component of civil justice reforms. The question is crucial, as there are still many forces against discretionary justice and little attention to comprehensive study the phenomenon of judicial discretion. The paper provides answers three questions: Why discretionary justice? Why the development of comparatve discretionary justice? Why through mindfulness and quantum theory? We pay attention on interconnections of problems of different branches of law and on an interdisciplinary context. This article is designed to explore the problem of discretionary justice in a new and innovative way. 


Giovane batterista





Volume 6,
Winter 2021,
Number 1 

We intend to create a space of reflection and communication where salient questions of discretionary justice and its context(s) can be re-negotiated from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and re-connected with other disciplins. It is designed to enhance a re-location of the essay of discretionary justice among other sciences and can thus allow to develop innovative research agendas in multidisciplinary constellations beyond just a legal focus. Here we use, inter alia, “The judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the civil procedure of the Russian Federation” of AR Sultanov, “Helgoland” of Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli, coming out in September 2020.


Keywords: civil justice reform, comparative discretionary justice, development, mindfulness, quantum theory

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