About us
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
"Happiness is only real, when shared".
Christopher McCandless
from latin
preposition denoting association ,
from Esperanto
a Friend ,
from Japanese
European Norms
V-KUN, abbr.
Our emblem is inspired by Ma'at
Both the goddess and personification of truth, cosmic balance, harmony, law, morality and justice.
The ostrich feather in her hair represents the Truth.​
Her wings are the symbol of protection of the human soul.​
The small sword like that of the unique Virgin Mary of Scicli (Sicily) represents that there are questions on which we would not have been at all compromised, ever.
They are questions with certain stakes: loyalty, hope, Love, fairness, equality...Happiness.
It is not the case of our quiet living, therefore.
It would not be like us. Our choice is free and responsible.
And critical.
The third eye of sapphire color: this stone draws on the Assyrian tradition and represents the eye of Heaven,
absolute spirituality.
Our coat of arms is the skeleton supported by two wings.
Our coat of arms reflects our paradigm, our different faces-friends: a set (extensive) of theories, assumptions, and ideas that contribute to our worldview (mindset) and approach to engaging with other people and things.
Did we perhaps choose it to say that this symbol of death can be transformed into a light flight? No, because a warrior cannot betray those who before him have vibrated with suffering injustice, violence, manipulation.It is easy to blame our lot in life on some outside force. It is easy to think that where we were raised, how our parents treated us, or from which University we graduated is all that determines our future. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The common people and the warriors are all defined by how they deal with life’s unfairness: Leucaspis, Archimedes, Ducetius, Macalda di Scaletta, Nelson Mandela, Dag Hammarskjöld, Stephen Hawking, Anthony Ray Hinton,
Bryan Stevenson etc. Like those who came before us, we do not remove the experience of pain, suffering, death, we do not run away from the battle of life.
Fidelity is the sister of Justice.
We know that Warrior is the sweet burden, not the way of the warrior. The way of the warrior is heavy, very heavy. To exalt this way means to place it high, but not at the end of the path. It is not the goal, but the altitude, indicated on the topographic map of our soul to be reached in order to then arrive at the sun-filled peak and there dance the dakini dance with the skull in our hand, triumphing and flying.It is a passage through rock that no one in the world can face alone. Not even in times of war or uncertainty does the Warrior face it alone. There is a Warrior Spirit. Without its Presence the way of the warrior would be reduced to an unbearable test, to a moment of despair. All it takes is one spirit to make a difference.The way of the warrior is not to inspire fear, but to create and grow hope. Hope is the most powerful force in the universe. Hope gives wings. The skeleton as a whole is the image of everything that acts as support: Integrity, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Love (Mercy) and Excellence.
Skeleton is the backbone of Vir-kun-en.com.
Our coat of arms says that we must be our very best in the darkest moments.
Our Business Pillar is the Tree
We are always students. We are at Tree School.
We focus on ideas of sustainable happiness, sustainable justice,
world harmony and freedom, and we base our work on the
human being. We fuse Eastern and Western thoughts in our work.
The tree is the object of a widespread cult in various parts of the
world and in various eras. The following cults can be identified as:
- the stone-tree-altar complex, which forms an effective
microcosm in the most ancient strata of religious life (Australia,
China, Indochina, India, Phoenicia - Aegean);
- the tree-image of the Cosmos (India, Mesopotamia,
Scandinavia), etc;
- the tree-cosmic theophany (Mesopotamia, India, Aegean);
- the tree-symbol of life, of inexhaustible fertility, of absolute
reality; in relation to the Great Goddess or to aquatic symbolism;
identified with the source of immortality (Tree of Life), of Justice
(Palm Tree Justice) etc;
- the tree-center of the world and support of the Universe (among the peoples of the Altai, the Scandinavians, etc.);
- mystical relations between trees and men (anthropogenic trees; the tree as a receptacle of the souls of the ancestors; marriage of trees; presence of the tree in initiation ceremonies, Christmas tree, etc.);
- the tree-symbol of the resurrection of vegetation, of spring and of the regeneration of the year(for example "the May tree", etc.);
- the tree-dwelling of the divinity;
-the tree representing the wave, called the Tree of Life;
- the Tree of Knowledge (for example in the Book of Genesis).
Be like a tree.
Stay grounded.
Connect with your roots.
Turn over a new leaf.
Bend before you break.
Enjoy your unique natural beauty.
Keep growing.
Therefore the tree is a pillar of biodiversity in the ecosystem and phylogeny of life on Earth, an image of all mankind protected and content under the branches of the tree.
The tree is:​
Simplicity of the Essence
Touch the Ground
Quantum Physical
Groovy Way of Relaxing
Future Has Arrived
Trees are an incredible part of our experience on Earth. They can connect us to the grandeur of God and Creation, to Happiness and Justice. That's not to mention that the new year of trees always makes us think of our many branched family trees.
Our Mission Is the Shape of Water
In an ever-changing world, learning from the past, we discern our shape of mission today. In our contemporary culture, the mission of Sustainable Happiness and Sustainable Justice can seem elusive and hard to define. We often focus on the present moment, losing sight of the story of happiness and justice that has been unfolding through the ages. Vir-kun-en.com offers a compelling framework for understanding mission by drawing on the rich tapestry of Mediterranean history and revealing how Mediterranean lifestyle shapes mission, just as a bottle shapes water.
Bruce Lee presented to the world a phrase that in the future will become one of the greatest aphorisms that we still remember today.
“Be like water my friend”, this was the phrase he pronounced referring to something much deeper than one might expect. This phrase also reflects one of the most philosophical aspects of all Kung Fu. Vir-kun-en.com discovers what lies behind “Becoming Water”.
From the standpoint of tactical execution, be adaptable and flexible, agile and nimble.
The first thing that must come to mind is the idea of something fluid. Having a fluid mind means a mind that is able to adapt to everything that happens to us. If I take some water, it will adapt perfectly to any container it is in. If I put my water in a cup, it will take the shape of the cup, but if I put it in a bottle, it will become the bottle.
In the same way, being water means being adaptable, adapting our mind to the place and situation we are in so that we can act best in every situation.​
Managing obstacles
​Being water does not only mean being fluid and able to adapt. If a stone falls into a lake, the water inside it is not damaged by the impact, but will simply accompany the stone slowly until it reaches the bottom of the body of water.
This should be the ideal way to face an obstacle. The common tendency when a problem arises is to face it as if you were fighting, using a lot of strength. However, in doing so, success is not always guaranteed and the energy expenditure is great.
A calm mindful approach in which we are detached from the problem is much more effective.
Giving up is never the solution.Life is even worse when you don’t find the courage to move forward. Later or soon you will ask yourself “how would life be if I would have done this and that?” - and you will feel sad, because you never tried it.
Through perceptive analysis, Vir-kun-en.com sheds light on how the shape of mission has changed over time, enabling us to learn from past successes and failures, and inspiring and equipping habituès/clients/guests to engage in the mission of Sustainable Happiness and Sustainable Justice in new and transformative ways.
Our Logic is the Logic of Bread.
Never the verb to Multiply, always the verb to Share
Vir-kun-en.com recalls the logic of Mediterranean Lifestyle, that of attention to little simple things and of time/heart sharing which is opposed to the human logic that prefers to multiply rather than to share.It may seem like a further paradox but while we want to multiply for our own good, it is the division, sharing, that increases happiness, the sharing is in the expanding Universe, the sharing reinforces the Noosphere, based on the works by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Edward Artemiev, V. Vernadskij - the dynamic formation in global consciousness, akin to that of the “Cloud” in the cyber world, where multiple servers join together, arranging their elements in ever more complex units to operate as a single ecosystem.
We feel the importance of being able to share happiness.
Bread must be divided, not multiplied.
"And so it turned out only a life similar to the life of those around us, merging with it without a ripple, is genuine life, and that an unshared happiness is not happiness."- Christopher McCandless.
Today the big task of humanity is sharing, not multiplication.
Even today the multiplication of goods does not solve problems.
“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” - Lady Bird Johnson
Our philosophy is: "Unhappiness and Injustice don't exist"
Our method is: “To have no method”
What are our thoughts when facing Unhappiness, Injustice?
There is no unhappiness, injustice because, if anything does exist,
it must be Being or Not-Being but Not-Being does not exist (as Gorgias said) and, if Being exists, it would have to be eternal (as Parmenides said) or created.
A good professional consulting should be like a small chef-d'oeuvre, like a Michelin-starred dish, not a technically perfect, but with emotion in the delivering, with feeling in the method.
When Unhappiness/Injustice expands, we contract.
When Unhappiness/Injustice contracts, we expand.
And when there is an opportunity, we do not fight contro Injustice and Unhappiness. It hits by itself. If someone fights contro Injustice, Unhappiness, chances are that he is feared of the unknown.
Usually because he is not well prepared enough. Like in Martial Arts, it’s not important to know 10000 techniques, because chances are that we only remember 1–2 within a split second of choice time. Whatever we do, we should be well-prepared.
In fact, be OVER prepared.
This way we can trust ourselves. We can trust ourselves to know how it should react by ITS OWN, especially on situations which haven’t planned. And the hard part here is in Knowing Thyself - Temet Nosce, to have trust that we will SOMEHOW find a way. It doesn’t have to be a perfect solution, but that "OVER thyself" knowing that we will win.